My Thoughts on Gemini

Posted April 13th, 2021

Today, I just discovered a new web protocol Gemini. It serves simple text pages with no annoying ads, videos or images while being secure as well. Here are my thoughts on it.

If you want to learn more about Gemini, click here to visit the Gemini Capsule.

I think that there's a good use for Gemini because some people, like me, just want somewhere to write simple text posts without having anything too flashy. I like how some Gemini clients allow you to decide how websites look and not the other way around because some sites use colours that are either too distracting or fonts that are too hard to read.

Right now, Gemini has few Capsules (Gemini's equivalent of http websites), and I hope to see some growth with this protocol.

Until next post, Dom

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