Scientiac's Log

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Something New Regularly!

November - 2021

2021-11-13 | Torrent and Torrenting |

October - 2021

2021-10-30 | Monopoly (Big Tech) |

2021-10-27 | Nova Launcher (Dracula Theme) |

2021-10-18 | Dark (Realization) |

2021-10-12 | You Were Born |

2021-10-10 | My Experience with Bricks and Bootloops |

2021-10-08 | RSS |

2021-10-06 | Sad? Just Smile! |

2021-10-04 | Sometimes - A poem that doesn't make sense. |

2021-10-02 | My Journey to Linux and Privacy |

2021-10-01 | Terminal and CLI |

September - 2021

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August - 2021

2021-08-31 | Search Engines |

2021-08-30 | Linux Distributions |

2021-08-29 | KDE Connect |

2021-08-28 | Desktop Environments |

2021-08-27 | Alternative Frontends |

2021-08-26 | HTML |

2021-08-25 | LBRY |

2021-08-24 | Evernote to Joplin |

2021-08-23 | Open Android Apps |

2021-08-22 | GNU/Linux |

2021-08-21 | Matrix |

2021-08-20 | Open Source |

2021-08-19 | Privacy and Security |

2021-08-18 | Custom ROMs |

2021-08-17 | Tildeverse |

2021-08-16 | Mastodon |

2021-08-15 | Fediverse |

2021-08-14 | Gemini |

You're in the Inception.🚀