Texas woman wins round in lawsuit challenging swat teams destruction of her home

Author: tomohawk

Score: 40

Comments: 5

Date: 2021-12-01 01:05:59

Web Link


ryandrake wrote at 2021-12-01 01:50:46:

From the more detailed article linked [1]:

"Police later told Deanna that their plan was “shock and awe.” Using the department’s BearCat armored tactical vehicle, the SWAT team toppled Vicki’s fence and drove through her front door. They also used explosives to blow through her garage door and fired more than thirty explosive tear gas canisters through the windows. When they finally stormed the house, they found that Little had committed suicide in her bedroom. The only living thing remaining inside was Deanna’s dog which was left deaf and blind from the explosions."

Why on Earth did the police feel it was necessary to do all this just to catch one guy? No checking whether the guy might have offed himself? Or did they ever consider just waiting for him to come out and then arresting him? Nope! Just reach right away for the cool bang-bang toys! These tools and tactics are what soldiers use when they want to destroy an enemy fortress, not what civilian police ought to be using...well...for any reason.



Natsu wrote at 2021-12-01 01:38:59:

This is absurd, if they cause the damages, they should be on the hook to pay for them too.

oh_sigh wrote at 2021-12-01 01:33:28:

This man, not so lucky:


The case is a little different because in the case from OP, the resident at the home knowingly let the fugitive into her home(who she knew was a fugitive). She then left and called the police. Whereas with the case I linked in Colorado, the fugitive illegally entered the home.

On the flip side, the Colorado suspect was actively shooting at the police from the home, while the Texas suspect apparently didn't do that, and merely committed suicide in a bedroom.

yellow_lead wrote at 2021-12-01 01:51:35:

From your article:

> Authorities say the suspect stole two belts and a shirt from a Walmart

> In an attempt to force the suspect out, law enforcement blew up walls with explosives, fired tear gas and drove a military-style armored vehicle through the property's doors.


cronix wrote at 2021-12-01 01:42:24:

> and merely committed suicide

That really doesn't read very well.