Moving Castles: Modular and Portable Multiplayer Miniverses

Author: Kinrany

Score: 37

Comments: 5

Date: 2021-11-30 20:01:39

Web Link


Animats wrote at 2021-11-30 21:30:54:

This is exactly what Open Simulator does.[1] There are 366 known Open Simulator grids right now.[2] Some will let in anybody. Some are private. Some have portals to other grids. Some don't. All have roughly the same features as Second Life. They're full high-detail 3D worlds. Some have enough server capacity and bandwidth to run fast. Some don't.



meheleventyone wrote at 2021-11-30 21:23:49:

This is quite a long flowery article that mostly manages to stay away from invoking web3 but the idea of miniverses built and run by small communities sounds great. Like MUDs, BBSes or Quake servers way back when.

beebeepka wrote at 2021-12-01 01:38:17:

I am not sure Quake servers are anything like 2nd life/miniverse/teenyverse. Sure you can meet people (even met multiple women that way) but shooting at overbright skins is nothing like maintaining a VR property.

Or is it?

vorpalhex wrote at 2021-11-30 22:23:11:

Community run Minecraft servers would be the modern version.

BatFastard wrote at 2021-11-30 22:38:16:

Sounds like a great idea, but in virtual worlds like Kaneva (anyone remember them?) people found the links that were not reliable were not fun at all. So they eventually abandoned self hosted servers. I suspect this scheme will also run into such issues.