It was a pretty long time ago. On the order of years for sure. My "first blush" subjective guess would be that it was around eight or nine years ago.
Based on this old post, it looks like it was at least ten years ago now.
Further edit:
Here's what appears to be the original thread (from 2009) where pg announced the change.
And another long thread of discussion on this topic from back in the day:
I don't know what you are talking about. At least for me, I've never seen comment scores on HN discussions. The only ones I see are my own, and the fading effect of downvoted comments.
Imho it was a wise decision and I believe it made HN better.
Since around 2014? It's not a recent change.
as far as I know they were removed in early 2011, to try if they reduce flamewars based on people trying to out-score others.
I think you can still see scores in search? Or is that only for old comments?
If you want to know the # points for a specific comment, the easiest way is to find it on hn.algolia.com
Are you sure that was ever a feature? I can’t remember comment scores ever being visible for anyone’s comments except your own, and those are still visible.
It was a feature at one time for sure. The change happened quite a long time ago.
I joined in 2009 and I can't recall it at all. In any case, if it was removed, it certainly didn't happen recently (within the last five years).
Looks like you joined about two weeks before the change happened. So it stands to reason that you might not remember.
So, you're telling us that you like having reinforcement of whether an idea is popular or not, and you know that that's problematic in social media, but you don't think it would be a problem here.
Why would you want a reinforcement of bias? And why would human social dynamics be different on HN compared to anywhere else?
Because the alternative is just let Dan pick the winners, and he's the kind of asshole who decides, in advance and for everyone, what the "popular" ideas are via deindexing and shadow bans.