Martian Clock and Calendar (1991)

Author: throwawaybutwhy

Score: 23

Comments: 6

Date: 2021-11-28 10:50:30

Web Link


dandep wrote at 2021-11-29 10:14:53:

I've been fascinated with this topic. A calendar for mars should tell you when there are transfer orbits available, the hours of solar light and so on. I tried to make it real and named it Whole Mars Calendar [1], any feedback would be appreciated


KineticLensman wrote at 2021-11-29 10:32:38:

> any feedback would be appreciated

I like it, with the exception of the Picture control, for its non-closability. Also, the 'threshold' value should be greyed-out or similar when 'None' is selected for the effect type.

dandep wrote at 2021-11-29 11:14:06:

yep that makes sense, you can toggle the panel by pressing ARROW-UP, but you're right I should make that option visible, thank you!

twic wrote at 2021-11-29 11:21:46:

This is an excerpt from a novel by Robert L. Forward, but hosted on Thomas Gangale's site. Gangale has an extensive Martian timekeeping system of his own, the Darian calendar:

throwawaybutwhy wrote at 2021-11-28 10:52:12:

Posted once in the past three years, but quickly flagged and killed.

thunderbong wrote at 2021-11-29 09:59:47:

This was very interesting. It leads me to wonder, though, what kind of physical and psychological problems the first astronauts there will face.