I see things for what they are. Daily Dose of Internet is a guy that got big by stealing. I don't like him, but I hate the system more.
To quickly provide some background info, Daily Dose of Internet is a Youtube channel that does compilation of interesting videos, and most of his content is directly taken from other people's work. In one of his recent community posts, Daily Dose of Internet admitted that he used to not care about copyright at all, even at the stage when his channel had already grown to having close to 1 million subscribers. He only began to take this issue seriously after his channel almost got deleted due to 2 successive copyright strikes.
There is no denying that his effort of finding and curating interesting videos from all over the Internet needs to be rewarded in some appropriate way. Millions of people find enjoyment in his videos. Had it not been for him, each individual of his audience might need to spend hours laboriously weeding through various sources, so that they could find an equal amount of enjoyment for themselves. In this sense, Daily Dose of Internet is a big timesaver for many, and this in itself admittedly has huge value.
Unfortunately, the current system does not seem to have a mechanism for rewarding this kind of curating / sharing effort. Worse still, it actually discourages such work by placing legal requirements on copyright issues. The system has made it virtually impossible for people like Daily Dose of Internet to gain income, unless they choose to ignore the copyright issue and steal other people's content. And this is exactly what Daily Dose of Internet had chosen to do.
Things got lucky for Daily Dose of Internet. For one thing, Youtube copyright protection is not 100% strict. And when the copyright strikes actually came, they did not end up totally wiping out his channel. And now, he has gotten enough income to not only afford the licensing, but also afford to admit his past wrongdoings.
This is the pinnacle of double hypocrisy. On the one hand, there is the hypocrisy of Daily Dose of Internet. He is sincere only when he can afford it. He is transparent only when he can safely be so. On the other hand, there is the hypocrisy of the system. It has no way of appropriately rewarding the effort of lesser wealthy people. It has made "complying with the rules" a privilege that only wealthy people can enjoy. Very, very disappointing indeed. I don't like them both, but Daily Dose of Internet is just what the system produces. I definitely hate the system more.