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Adding "serial number" to file names

In some directory I have a bunch of recorded TV programs. Every episode is on a separate mp4 file, and the filenames look like


The files are already in order because they have the date of broadcast as part of their names. However the names don't contain episode numbers. I know the first file is episode 321, the second file is episode 322, etc., and I want to rename them to


To do this, the first step is to get the two substrings `1920x1080_yrjr` and `2021-03-02.mp4` from a given filename like `1920x1080_yrjr_2021-03-02.mp4`. The "cut" command comes in handy here. Say $FILE stores the filename, then

echo $FILE | cut -d '_' -f 1,2

will output `1920x1080_yrjr`. The `-d` flag tells the command to cut the string into segments using '_' as a delimiter. The `-f 1,2` option tells it to combine the first and the second segments in the output. Similarly,

echo $FILE | cut -d '_' -f 3

will give `2021-03-02.mp4` as output.

Therefore, the final command for batch renaming is

i=320; for FILE in *; do i=$((i + 1)); mv $FILE $(echo $FILE | cut -d '_' -f 1,2)$i\_$(echo $FILE | cut -d '_' -f 3); done