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Slowing down for a minute

James Tomasino tomasino at lavabit.com

Fri Oct 22 23:23:34 BST 2021

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I'd like to chime in on a few points of discussion here that I think areimportant and generally fall under the, "please slow down" heading.

First, while it's quite novel that a usenet group is being formed,please do not move any official discussion there. It's more of a barrierto entry for people than javascript on a git repo. We have this mailinglist. Stick with it.

Second, I want to thank Sean for his help and acknowledge that likeothers I was not pestering him for updates as courtesy, not out ofdisinterest. Solderpunk established an early pattern of "make a change,then let it sit for a while". I thought Sean was doing the sameregarding spec discussion, not realizing there was burn-out. I'm sorry.

Third, while it's nice that we have backups of the repo and discussions,solderpunk has not handed over control of gemini to anyone else yet.That means that any decisions to do so are jumping the gun. I see one ofthree outcomes here: 1) solderpunk returns and is active again as BDFL.He's recently been active on gopher, so it's a possibility, but notlikely. 2) solderpunk pokes his head in to appoint a new proxy leaderor leaders. This would be wonderful and I've emailed him to suggest it.3) The community takes control away from him and runs with itthemselves. I would like to see this option the least, and certainly notbefore a reasonable amount of time is given for solderpunk to return ornot. (I would recommend at least a month.)

If that situation happens we should all take a breather and think hardabout how to proceed and not just jump on whoever can clone the repo thefastest or whoever speaks the loudest on a mailing list. There's alarger gemini community watching and reading. Poke around in the IRCchannels, read peoples gemlogs. Take some time here.