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[ANN] German Language Gemini Community in feddit.de

Omar Polo op at omarpolo.com

Sat Sep 18 20:10:42 BST 2021

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René Wagner <rwagner at rw-net.de> writes:

HI Stephane,
how do you determine if something is a specific language?
At least gemini://it.gemini-site.omarpolo.com/ serves "text/gemini;
lang=en" for me and gemini.circumlunar.space as well as hubbz.de
doesn't use language identifiers.
regards René

at it.gemini-site.omarpolo.com I'm serving a mirror of the site (well,probably not really up-to-date) which happens to contains some germanpages (as well as italian and dutch at least).

(they're served with the right ``lang'', see the documents under/docs/de/* or /docs/it/*)

I originally set that site up to share the updated Italian translationsthat were never committed... :/