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Hi, I am new and I have created Gemini library

gemproj at suckless.anonaddy.com gemproj at suckless.anonaddy.com

Mon Aug 30 12:30:02 BST 2021

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On Mon, Aug 30, 2021 at 7:43 AM Sergei Gnezdov 'sergei.gnezdov at gmail.com'<gemproj+sergei.gnezdov=gmail.com at suckless.anonaddy.com> wrote:

Gemini as of today will not scale in interactive usability, because user
interaction is severely limited. There is a statement that Gemini is
only for consumption. However, we have to be realistic that for
usability of consumption to stay high, user cannot be asked to live
Gemini browser for HTTPS powered web browser to submit a post. That
breaks user flow and makes Gemini not worth it. Why to come back to
Gemini if I just used standard browser to do something and in the
process I compromised all the advantages listed above?

I know this is not very progressive to say it, but why does it need toscale? Why does everything always have to appeal to everyone?Not to mention the well-discussed issue as to whether content *needs* to beupdated through a browser. My stance on this is pretty much: you have tolearn things to use things. And using sftp to upload a file as a bareminimum requirement is not hard. And it uses a protocol made for filetransfer! You can even transport images with it! </sarcasm>

In all seriousness, there are multiple real life examples of this. If youwant to learn to drive a car you need to consider learning how to drive.Who'd think that just because you know how to ride a bike, someone tailorsyour car to work like a bike, you know?

geminispace provides a nice retreat from the complexities of the clearweband it also makes you get back to tools that were around before everyonedecided that literally everything needs to live in a browser. It doesn'tmean that it's uncomfortable to use, but as skyjake once put it on gemini://station.martinrue.com: there's a reason text editors are there, becausetext editing is hard. Adding that to a browser is tough. If you maketitan:// mandatory in geminispace, most browsers will instead to turn tothe shell where you have immediate access to nano, vim and emacs, and whathave you gained then?

I know I am ranting. But it's been discussed. geminispace is featurecomplete from a protocol end. And if it doesn't grow big, that's probablyok. Because the people that are in geminispace are great as it is :)

Titan protocol is a good step in the process and perhaps is the only
required step. I am not sure. We have to remember about need to
support multiple screen types from desktop to mobile and it is tough to
create something acceptable and generic for user input under the
restrictions Gemini protocol put in place. I am hoping people here come
up with something :)
I also would like to raise people's awareness, that if the network to
grow and get any close to big, people shall expect that network would
promote payments models, because it kills advertisements so
efficiently. I think it is a good thing. I want to consume a product
and not to be a product. If I am a product, then UI tends to focus on
makings adds prominent and waiting my time. That goes back to value of
Gemini and consequence of its proposition is non-add based models. I hope.

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