Andrew Singleton singletona082 at
Wed Jun 9 02:22:40 BST 2021
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While in theory 'snythingbthst can display a terminal's is a good gemenicandidate, there is the problem of what it takes to run tls encode/decode.So thebwudtion splits between what is a minamum to run gemini by itself.And whstbeoukd need an external device to act as mediationksyervrorvenceyption? Example being that wifi to serial adaptor for retrohardware, but instead of just wifi, it handling the tls and eithertranslating Gemini to gopher, or to a retro client that seeks a handshakefrom the dogkevso it knows not to even bother with encryption.
This is Simi personal curiosity Simi 'worldvwhere the 90s internet took adifferent path as one of the ways the world isn't the same' and Gemini fitsa lot of my wants list for that project.-------------- next part --------------An HTML attachment was scrubbed...URL: <>