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[tech] IPv6 addresses in URLs

nervuri nervuri at disroot.org

Thu Apr 15 16:59:48 BST 2021

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@ Gemini client developers: both of these URLs should work (certificateerrors aside):


The majority of clients can't open them. I tested Amfora, AV-98,Kristall, Lagrange, gmni, Agunua, Bombadillo and 5 web proxies. OnlyAmfora and AV-98 worked with both.

The address corresponds to gemini://purexo.mom/, which I used because itis available by entering its IPv4 or IPv6 address directly:


You can also test with:



If you get certificate validation errors, that's good: it means theclient made a connection.

As a side note, I also tested "gemini://gémeaux.bortzmeyer.org/café.gmi"and it opened in all clients except for Bombadillo, gmni and the 5proxies:- https://proxy.vulpes.one/- https://portal.mozz.us/- kineto - https://portal.drewdevault.com/x/g%C3%A9meaux.bortzmeyer.org/caf%C3%A9.gmi- gemini://celehner.com/proxy/ - https://celehner.com/gemini://- https://gemini.susa.net:1993/proxy.html