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[user] Putting my blog on gemini, question about subdomains

Luke Emmet luke at marmaladefoo.com

Tue Mar 2 16:59:41 GMT 2021

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On 02-Mar-2021 16:00, Snowy wrote:

As a side note, I consider the HTTP and gemini blog functionally identical since, besides differences in formatting, they're functionally identical, which is why I defaulted to just using the same hostname.

Ha ha - be careful with remarks like that equating HTTP and gemini - these sort of statements can be considered as blasphemy round these here parts! :)

Just host them however it makes sense to you. Sometimes it makes sense to use a different sub domain if it is different content - more easily moved around perhaps. But if it is all coming out of the same database, that seems less of an issue.

 - Luke