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[SPEC] Experimenting with a status code of 12

Jason McBrayer jmcbray at carcosa.net

Wed Feb 24 14:07:17 GMT 2021

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Katarina Eriksson writes:

Mansfield <mansfield at ondollo.com> wrote:
I've been experimenting with a non-standard status code and I
wanted to share some details. I am running this experiment to find
a way for users to manage content using only a Gemini client and
server. No ssh, rsync, vim, emacs, nano, or anything else.
A gemini client could implement an existing protocol, like rsync or
sftp, to achieve the goal of not requiring any additional software to
manage a capsule.

This is my recommendation. People come to Gemini with the experience ofthe web, where the line protocol is both a floor wax AND a desserttopping. But there's really no reason that things have to be done thatway. IMO, if a client wants to provide editing and publishingcapabilities (which is a good idea), it should use rsync over SSH, withpublic-key authentication. All of this can be baked into the client, sothat the user never has to deal with it.

-- Jason McBrayer | “Strange is the night where black stars rise,jmcbray at carcosa.net | and strange moons circle through the skies, | but stranger still is lost Carcosa.” | ― Robert W. Chambers,The King in Yellow