Sean Conner sean at
Tue Jan 26 04:28:40 GMT 2021
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It was thus said that the Great Mansfield once stated:
On Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 7:23 PM Sean Conner <sean at> wrote:
Also, your client doesn't handle the following link properly:
It strips off the final '/', which does The Wrong Thing in this case (yes,
the final '/' is significant). Speaking of which, you don't handle MIME
types properly---the page through your proxy tried printing the resulting
ZIP file as text. I have a few other pages that return non "text/*" MIME
Humm... the CLI version (that uses the same library) didn't fail on that
link. I think the intent is to get a directory listing of the content
inside the zip file, right?
I'll have to walk through the code specifically
for that to see where it went wrong. Thanks for writing those tests.
You're welcome.
It also sends a client certificate. Unexpected, but something I think
people should be aware of.
True. The client code underneath the HTTP handler always sends a
certificate when it makes the Gemini call. It's the same certificate for
every call, so there's nothing leaking from the users browser into the
certificate. Was that the concern?
I wasn't actually expecting it to work!
And personally, I find it hilarious (and wonderful) that it's the samecertificate for everybody. Certainly makes it harder to track individuals,but I can see it breaking some sites that may use certificates to presentdifferent information.
Thanks for your feedback!
And thanks for the feedback on the feedback.