
Yet another gemini gemini log.

2021-09-28 htalkat: implementation of geminified talk

2021-09-21 talkat specification

2021-08-09 Geminifying talk(1)

2021-08-01 Word Tunneler

2021-07-31 Tuner fork

2021-07-22 Spookless Typeclasses

2021-06-20 sggs, Simple Gemini Game Server

2021-05-08 Multiline input in Gemini

2021-05-02 Sectioning and titles

2021-04-10 Gredig and gmisub

2021-03-20 gemrepl preview

2021-02-13 gredig

2020-12-18 intricacy revisited

2020-11-29 RREPLs and checkpointing

2020-09-19 gmi2html.sed

2020-09-06 diohsc-0.1.1

2020-08-23 Arboreal navigation

2020-08-01 Retrospective on developing diohsc

2020-07-26 A sense of place

2020-06-24 RREPLs, another vision for interaction in gemini

2020-06-16 How cheap can you get?

2020-06-07 Client certificates in diohsc

Cheap makefile to generate this index

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