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2021-11-10 - Digital vinyl - up and running!

2021-11-08 - I don't know JACK

2021-11-06 - ♊ the last 'gemini' post on this gemlog

2021-09-26 - a week in the mountains

2021-09-06 - amplifier

2021-09-02 - new soundsystem!

2021-08-22 - reset

2021-08-16 - reshuffle

2021-07-04 - small update: psychedelics, nutrition, meditation, exercise, SSRIs

2021-06-11 - is it possible to adjust habits by a temporary change in chemical composition? (contemplating SSRIs)

2021-04-27 - adulting - work search pt2

2021-04-10 - adulting - work search

2021-04-07 - reluctant

2020-10-03 - familiarty, control, substance

2020-09-24 - rainbows

2020-08-19 - escape

2020-07-16 - re: naming machines

2020-06-06 - Protest advice (UK)

2020-06-20 - 5 questions from christina

2020-05-31 - George Floyd, police & state violence

2020-05-29 - hello gemini


2020-05-29 - about me: flow (resident sysadmin)