Gemini software

Here is a list of all known Gemini-related software. The list is not curated: some of these programs may be non-functional, or may be unmaintained. You have to evaluate them yourself. If you've written some Gemini software which is not listed here, please contact me at


A Gemini server written in Go

A Gemini server written in Node, based on Express

Aerozine, a Gemini server written in Rust, focussed on configurability

Agate, a Gemini server written in Rust

Blizanci, a Gemini server writen in Erlang

Dʒɛmɪni, a Gemini server written in Racket

GeGoBi, a Gemini server for Gemini-Gopher bi-hosting

Geminid, a Gemini server written in C

Gemini-PHP, a Gemini server written in PHP

Gemserve, a Gemini server written in Rust

Germinal, a Gemini server written in Common Lisp

GLV-1.12556, a Gemini server (in fact, the first!) written in Lua

gmid, a low-memory Gemini server written in C with interesting security features

gmnisrv, a simple Gemini server written in C11

Jetforce, a Gemini server written in Python

(The Unsinkable) Molly Brown, a Gemini server written in Go

Net-Gemini, a Gemini server written in Go

Northstar, a Rust library for Gemini servers

Pollux, a Gemini server written in Rust

Space Age, a Gemini server written in Clojure

SpaceBeans, a Gemini server written using Scala and Akka streams

Stargazer, a concurrent Gemini server written in Rust

Titan2, a minimal Gemini server written in Go

Twins, a Gemini server written in Go

Vger, a simplistic and secure Gemini server in C targetting OpenBSD


A bare-bones but usable Gemini client in 100 lines of Python

A bare-bones but usable Gemini client in 100 lines of Lua

A bare-bones but usable Gemini client almost 100 lines of Go

A Gemini client library in Guile Scheme

A Gemini client for Android

A Gemini client library in Go

A more recent fork of the above library

A rich Gemini client library in Nim

Agregore, a "distributed web" browser supporting Gemini

Amfora, a very feature-rich Germini client for the terminal

Ariane, a Gemini client for Android

Astronaut, a terminal Gemini client written in Go

Asuka, a ncurses-based Gemini client

AV-98, an experimental Gemini client derived from VF-1

Bollux, a Gemini client written in pure Bash

Bombadillo, a multi-protocol client handling Gemini since 2.0.0

Castor, A graphical Gemini client written in Rust

Deedum, a Gemini client for Android

Diohsc, a terminal Gemini client written in Haskell

Dragonstone, a simple GTK Gopher/Gemini client written in Vala

Elaho, a Gemini client for iOS

elpher, a emacs-based Gopher and Gemini client

Fafi, a graphical, tabbed client written in Racket

gacme, a Gemini client for plan9's Acme

gcat, a `cat`-like Gemini client

Gemget, a command-line Gemini downloader ala wget

GemiNaut, a user-friendly GUI client for MS Windows

Geopard, a client written in rust, using the gtk3 toolkit

Gmi, a client written in POSIX-compliant shell

gurl, a `curl`-like Gemini client

Gusmobile, a Gemini client library in Python

gmni, a combined CLI and line-mode client for POSIX/C11

Kristall, a graphical Gemini client using Qt

Lagrange, a beautiful graphical Gemini client written in C

majc, a curses client for Gemini written in Rust

McRoss, a graphical Gemini client written in Python/Tkinter

Moonlander, a very fancy graphical Gemini client written in Rust

ncgopher, a Gopher and Gemini client written in Rust

Rhapsode, an "auditory web browser" which supports Gemini

Spwash, a bare-bones Gemini client written in C#

Twin Peaks, a graphical Gemini client written in C#

Tinmop, a distraction free terminal client for Gemini (and Pleroma!)

Zain, a graphical Gemini client written in Tcl/Tk

Browser plugins

dillo-gemini, a Gemini plugin for the Dillo browser

cute-gemini, a Gemini userscript for Qutebrowser

Syntax highlighting for editors

text/gemini syntax highlighting for emacs

text/gemini syntax highlighting for kakoune

text/gemini syntax highlighting for Kate

text/gemini syntax highlighting for nano

text/gemini syntax highlighting for vim

CGI applications

gemlikes, a liking and commenting system

git.gmi, a Gemini git frontend

GMIToAtomFeed, a CGI tool to produce Atom feeds from Gemini index pages

Twinwiki, a Gemini wiki edited with sed commands

Format conversion tools

gemini-to-html, a simple Node JS module to convert text/gemini to HTML

gemtext-html-converter, a Gemtext to HTML converter in Python

gmitohtml, a command line tool and daemon for converting txt/gemini to html

gmi2mkd, a Gemtext to Markdown converter in awk

html2gmi, a command line application to convert html to text/gemini

md2gemini, a Markdown to text/gemini converter


A Go library for implementing both clients and servers

Agena, a Gemini-to-Gopher proxy

Agunua, a Python library for the development of Gemini clients

Atomini, a Ruby script to generate an Atom feed from a Gemini map

CAPCOM, an Atom feed aggregator that outputs text/gemini

Gemfeed, a tool to generate Atom feeds for a directory of text/gemini files

Gemgit, a tool to generate static Gemini pages for git repos

gemini-fetch, a simple Node JS module to fetch Gemini content

Gig, a Gemini application framework in Go

git-remote-gemini, a Git remote helper to clone git repositories over Gemini

gmi, a text/gemini parsing library

gmisub, a tool to aggregate content from subscribable Gemini pages

gmnigit, a to generate static Gemini pages for git repositories

HtmGem, a PHP program to convert text/gemini to HTML on the fly

Ignition, a Gemini client library for Python

Kineto, a single-domain HTTP to Gemini proxy

Spacewalk, a moku-pona style aggregator for Gemini

Vostok, a protocol-agnostic framework supporting Gemini

Xenia, a Gemini web proxy for Android