Solderpunk solderpunk at
Tue Jul 7 16:39:00 BST 2020
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On Mon Jul 6, 2020 at 12:49 AM CEST, Hannu Hartikainen wrote:
I'm announcing my first proper piece of Gemini software: twinwiki!
The general idea is that a single line of input[1] works for very few
editing interfaces, yet most of us know one: sed. Mostly people use a
small subset of sed. Here I've implemented a slightly larger subset and
feel you could actually edit pages quite well if the browser showed line
Kiitos täästä! Erittäin kiva idee. Obviously this sed-based approachis viable for a narrow slice of people, but in general this is a mindsetthat I would like to see become part of "Gemini culture", i.e. embracingconstraints and coming up with creative ways to work within them.
I've added this to the software list, and while I was at it, broke allCGI applications (at least the ones I recognised as being CGIapplications) out into their own section. If you've written a CGI toolfor Gemini and I don't have it listed, please let me know.