
generator: pandoc

title: Why I Am Leaving YouTube

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How YouTube Appears, *Prima Facie*


YouTube is a website run and owned by Google, one of the largest,

wealthiest, and most powerful multi-national corporations in the whole

world. YouTube allows anyone with access to the website the ability to

watch any video that exists in their catalogue, provided your country

permits you to access YouTube's entire catalogue. YouTube seems like a

wonderful service because for the most part, it is free to use, provided

you watch the advertisements that usually appear on videos. You are able

to learn mathematics, watch original short films, receive advice on your

hobbies, have commodities you want to buy reviewed, and more. It seems

like a powerful tool for transmitting and receiving information in an

apparently open and democratic manner. Anyone is allowed to upload a

video at any time, at no restriction of file size, or video length.

A Closer Look: The Dangers of YouTube


While YouTube seems at first glance to be a wonderful and positive tool

for disseminating information, it is in fact the complete opposite.

YouTube is a terrible thing to use, and participate in. Here are my




YouTube is governed by a system of mass censorship. In reality, you are

only permitted to discuss certain topics on YouTube if you are to have

your videos properly listed and accessible on the platform. Only certain

types of topics are permitted to receive advertisement revenue, and if

your video does not hit exactly the right tone that the centralised

leadership of YouTube permits, then you will never be able to receive

money for your work. For example, according to the YouTube rules, topics

that are ''controversial'' cannot receive their video author money.

Major YouTube channels have been automatically and irreversibly deleted

because their computer Intellectual Property censorship mechanisms have

the power to interpret and enforce the law on YouTube. You are at the

mercy of the corporate executives and the automatic video display and

censorship mechanisms when you use YouTube. This means YouTube is a

tyrranical system with no room for user and author freedom,



YouTube collects metadata from your browsing habits on the website, and

from virtually everything that you do on your phone. On many phones, it

is impossible to actually permnanently delete the YouTube program. You

can only ''disable'' it. YouTube is watching what you say and view on

other programs on your computer, and it may even be doing so after you

''disable'' the program on your phone. I invite you to test to see what

happens when you buy something on eBay, or discuss a certain topic on

Facebook. You will immediately start seeing advertisements on YouTube

related to that activity. YouTube is tracking your internet activity and

is using it to build an enormous database which it can use to better

manipulate you. It can even sell the data it has on you to political

parties of which you do not approve, so that capitalism can better

manipulate the political system under which you live. YouTube will only

show you videos in its catalogue that are congruent with the metadata

database it has on you. This is a form of immoral censorship. You should

be able to search and access the entire catalogue. YouTube is an

incredibly dangerous and immoral platform. No-one should have as much

power over the world political system as YouTube has.



YouTube is not a not-for-profit service. It is also not a cooperatively

structured organisation. The governance structure of YouTube is

extremely hierarchical, and exists for the sole purpose of making profit

under capitalism. The real parties thar benefit from the advertisements

that are placed on videos made by ordinary people are the massive

capitalist firms that make the advertisements, and principally YouTube

itself. The same goes for services like Patreon. When you give YouTube

authors money on Patreon, you may think that you are helping them escape

the burden of censorship and exploitative treadmill of capitalism, but

you are not. Patreon profits off of the hard work that people do in

order to deserve the following that they get on YouTube and Patreon.

Patreon parasites off the donations that you give. Like the

advertisements on YouTube, Patreon makes money by exploiting the hard

work of artists, film-makers, musicians, hackers, engineers, comedians

etc If you are someone whose career is making YouTube videos, you are

being exploited and stolen from in the exact same way as you would be if

you were working in a factory or a dead-end job. The corporate rulers of

capitalism are making free money off your hard work. For this reason,

YouTube is an immoral service. Everyone deserves the full value of their

labour. YouTube does not give it to you.

What I Am Doing About My Use of YouTube


So what can you do to escape the injustices of YouTube?

Go On Strike


First of all, you can encourage people to build a general strike of

YouTube authors, to disrupt the flow of profits to YouTube and all its

capitalist crony friends. A general strike could go some way towards

forcing concessions out of the people who rule over YouTube. But this

option is limited because it would mean that Google would still remain

in control of YouTube. Real, lasting change would require that control

over YouTube be handed over to the masses of people who use and work for

the YouTube system. If there was a YouTube general strike that went on

long enough, this might be possible. YouTube could become so costly for

Google to run that they would be forced to sell it, and we could run a

campaign for a democratic non profit organisation to take over it.

Leave The Platform


For the time being, I want control over my video journal, my vlog, right

now. I am going to begin transistioning to leave the platform, and host

the videos on my channel on my own virtual private server. You can use

Peertube or Dtube to use free software to host your videos in a

non-hierarchical, federated community of servers. I will not be using

these platforms because I disapprove of video streaming. I think

JavaScript and running invisible and uncheckable code on your computer

is immoral. I will instead be hosting my YouTube videos using static

HTML and thumbnail images. The benefit of this is that people will have

able to have a complete copy of any and all the videos in my video

journal. One of the terrible things about YouTube is that it discourages

users from having their own copy of the videos that they like. It

encourages an ''always online'' culture of computer use. You have to go

to third party websites to download YouTube videos. Another example is

their audio library database - that cannot be downloaded at once in its




I encourage you to disrupt and leave the YouTube system. Hopefully I

have been pursuasive. Workers of the world unite, you have nothing to

lose but your chains.