
author: bootlicker

generator: pandoc

title: Project Ideas

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I have a lot of project ideas. I've been coming up with them faster than

I can write them down. I'm sitting here at the bus stop with 10 minutes

to kill, so I figured I'd finally make the time to write all these

things down.

Some of these ideas are simple, and may only take a couple months to

finish, whereas some projects may take a very very long time to achieve.

Here we go:

- Develop a philosophy of practical computing. Simple, repairable

computers that do not spy, are built with open hardware, and are

easy to understand and repair. You do not need a lot of transistors

to do word processing, for instance. Usenet and Bulletin Board

Systems are sufficient for most social communication. The World Wide

Web and HTTP are terrible.

- Develop a practical 8 or 16 bit computer that is useful and easy to


- Make a Commane Line Interface mobile phone.

- Investigate how to make your own internet network (Satellite? HAM

radio? Some other radio spectrum? Use the voice mobile phone network

and use audio and encrypt?)

- Contribute to the GNU search/construction of a micro kernel.

- Buy a Commodore 64, or similar 8 bit computer, and refurbish

- Develop own C64 software compatible micro computer out of TTL chips

- Develop discrete transistor computer

- Set up computer recycling service

- Learn Ada

- Develop a new NNTP program with all the modern security trappings

- Learn about jobd

- If not possible to make C64 hardware compatible TTL chip computer,

write an emulator for it

- Learn how to fabricate my own integrated circuits

- Manufacture my own transistors

- Finish my PhD

- Get a job as an academic

- Get a car

- Relearn Japanese, and learn Spanish and Mandarin

- Finish my Atari 2600 game

- Buy the Shadowrun Core Rulebook

- Build my own laptop with a Single Board Computer

- Finish my Distraction Free Writing Machine project

- Build a relay computer, and program it to play Noughts and Crosses,

maybe other games

- Finish learning about transistor amplifiers

- Build a RISC V CPU with an FPGA

- Investigate that project that runs BSD on a PIC microcontroller

- Buy a mechanical keyboard

- Buy a CRT monitor

- Write up how to substantially get a KDE install of arch linux

working (sound card, networking, USB permissions)

That is all I can think of!