ROOPHLOCH 2020 09/24/2020 ------------------------------------------------------------ In case you don't know what I'm talking about, it's the second annual Remote Outdoor Off-Grid Phlogging Challenge[1]. My entry follows between the ****'s. **** location: whetstone creek conservation area shooting range device: old kindle with built-in keyboard connectivity: none, will download .txt via usb at home I decided to use ROOPHLOCH 2020 to do something I've been wanting to for quite some time, to get out to the range and shoot. I went early, and am the only one here. I'm not sure why it took me so long to get here. Life is busy, and full of more important things I guess. But, I'm here now. Today I brought three guns, and I think I'll only use two. One is a cheap Davis Industries derringer in 22WMR. My grandpa kept it next to him until he couldn't lift his arms, which is why it has meaning to me. I've never fired it, and I don't quite trust it. But, I did bring leather gloves and eye protection, so here goes... It worked perfectly. A little hard to eject the casings, but that's my only complaint. Felt very solid. That gun's companion is a NAA in 22LR, which I also brought. I know, it's the big guns today! I do enjoy these little guns though, and my purpose here is to check out the range and get out of the house... I'm done typing for now... this keyboard is painland, so I may add to this after I upload. Happy fall, and happy ROOPHLOCHing! **** Back home, on a normal keyboard. I used the "My Clippings" feature of the old Kindle to create the note above, which is conveniently stored in MyClippings.txt when you connect the thing to USB. Boy, that keyboard was a bear... I guess the benefit is, it keeps one focused on only typing what needs to be said! Still, there's more I want to share, so I'm augmenting this post. Is that within the ROOPHLOCH regulations? I'm pretty sure it is, but I'm doing it either way. First, about that Davis Industries gun: If you look on YouTube, there is a video about it titled, "DAVIS DERRINGER DM22 WARNING/DANGEROUS-MUST SEE!" It sounds bad, but notice the ratio of thumbs-up to thumbs-down. Plenty of knowledge in the comments, contrary to most of YouTube. When I first saw this video, I thought, "oh great, a cheap-o gun that's really on ever a liability." But then I watched the video and examined my firearm, and realized that the person creating the content was either extremely lazy, or just plain ignorant. The safety mechanisms on the gun work perfectly, the pin never rests on the casing unless you're using it wrong, and the gun opererates smoothly. I was pleased at how it operated today, including the safety. More than keeping it as a memento, I'll add it to my target practice fun. Maybe I'll even carry it in an ankle holster, since I don't wear cowboy boots. Second, and more importantly, a little bit about Whetstone Creek conservation area. The parts that I saw were beautiful. Yes, they look much like the rest of mid-missouri. Dense forest, gently rolling hills. The shooting range was in a low part of the park, and had zero cell reception (not even emergency coverage, at least on my phone.) The park has fishing and camping as well, so I'll have to do an overnight there this fall or winter (sorry Missouri, camping here in the summer is horrid.) It was a lovely morning, cool but not cold, and clear. The firing range faces east, which was the only downside to the time I chose (and probably the reason for no crowds.) And last, before I sign off, a sincere thanks to solderpunk for calling us out--literally outside--for ROOPHLOCH 2020. It's nice to have an excuse to do something new, and get away from it all, even if it's just for a morning. [1] gopher://