
generator: pandoc

title: The Culture of the Fediverse

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There is a classic post structure emerging online:


There's a saying I learned about recently, from the dawn of email: never

put anything in an email you wouldn't put on a postcard.

I think the same goes for massively public online spaces like the

fediverse. Airing your grievances online in a way for everyone to see is

the same as gossiping in high school.

What kind of culture do we want here on the fedi? I want one of mutual

support and friendly self reflection. For the most part the fediverse is

the best place on the internet - we're actually far more open to

learning and growing than the next massive online platform.

But we do have some weird negative cultural aspects to our online

behaviour. Like really vague, yet emotionally charged tirades about

people having bad politics. I am still completely unclear about so much

drama because it is all centred around cliques and in-crowds.

Generally speaking, I deal with grievances I have with people's racism

or homophobia or bad politics in a formal and structured way. Remember

the famous anarchist article 'the tyranny of structurelessness'? That

lesson is worth revisiting time and time again: gossip and informal

communication and decision-making is able to be manipulated by people

seeking to enforce illegitimate authority.

Where am I going with this? I dunno. Oh yeah: if you think you need to

go on massive rants, have a think about your language. You might be

completely justified about your need to communicate an issue! But think:

do I need to do this publicly??