solderpunk solderpunk at SDF.ORG
Thu Jan 23 11:13:51 GMT 2020
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ``` On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 11:51:37PM +0100, Brian Evans wrote: > So long as it is not a mandate, but an optional part of the spec, I > withdraw my objection. I don't intend anything to be mandatory except link lines, ordinary textlines and possibly ``` raw/verbatim/preformatted handling (I'm not 100%sure on that last one, I think perhaps switching to wrapped long linesas the official recommendation removes many of the justifications wehad for first proposing it - though certainly not all of them). Anything to do with headings, lists, etc. will be strictly optional, anda major factor in whether I decide to adopt any of those things will behow well they degrade when viewed on a simple terminal-based clientwhich completely ignores all optional components. All I've ever wanted is to permit improvements to readability ornavigation in advanced (possibly, but not necessarily, graphical)clients as much as possible without interfering in any non-trivial waywith the usability of incredibly simple clients. Cheers,Solderpunk