Cheers to the new month everyone. I completely forgot that we fell back an hour today, I woke up so refreshed today. :)
This month, I really thought about doing NaNoWriMo [0], or National Novel Writing Month. The thought crossed my mind a few weeks ago when I started getting back into writing. Currently, I am writing just about everyday. Usually it is just some of my thoughts in a journal. Sometimes I write some essay style thoughts on a topic on my mind and very rarely I will write some sort of short story.
I ended deciding against joining. The main reason is that I am a little bit of a flake. I am so terrible about not finishing what I start. Many times, I start some small new project, abandoning the one I am currently working on to the side. As soon as I get bored with what I switched to then I'll jump ship again to another shiny new project. It's a cycle that leaves me many private repos on my GitHub profile that haven't been touched in years with 3 commits each.
If I were to do NaNoWriMo, I think I would get a great start but I would end up dropping out a week or two in.
Instead, I want to dedicate my free time this month to finishing up a handful of projects that I have abandoned recently. On my blog that I host on the http side of this site, I committed to the "100 Days to Offload" [1] challenge. The basics of this is that I have to attempt to write 100 blog posts over the course of a year. Currently, my progress is abysmal. I think I may have written about 8 or so posts since I started and that was back in June. This is where I want to pour a majority of my free time this month. Churning out a bunch of blog posts this month could really get me back on track. I have a few other small coding projects that I have abandoned that I would like to see through as well.
To a month of completing past promises to myself!
- joey