Consuming less content

Posted at 2020-08-20

We geminauts like to talk about consuming less: what social networks to quit, who to unfollow, etc. It's all cool but it may come to the situation I've been experiencing for some time: the internet ends. Once all interesting channels in Telegram are read, once all tweets are read, once all emails are read, once all new articles on geminishpere are read (there aren't many recently, btw), there's nothing really left to consume.

It's a strange feeling. I want to consume, but there's nothing to consume! At times like this I'm supposed to stop consuming, right? I guess so.

I've decided to read books once the internet is done. I'm reading Yevgeny Zamyatin's ‘We’ recently; a guy has recommended it to me. It is one of the first dystopian novels (and I kinda like dystopian novels). I've almost finished it and I can't say I enjoy it. Zamyatin's usage of language is wonky, hard to understand, he sometimes describes the simplest things with the hardest words and leaves me confused. I hope the ending is interesting though, I haven't lost hope in this book yet.