Makes 1 loaf in a 3L baking tin
In a bowl, combine 700 mL water, sourdough and salt. In another bowl combine rye flour and malt flour, then combine with the watery sourdough until smooth. Cover.
Soak 400 g rye kernels with at least 800 mL water. You can add a little sourdough if you like. Cover.
Let both bowls sit at ambient temperature for 8−12 hours.
From yesterday’s bowl take 300 mL sourdough and set aside for next baking.
Drain the rye kernels from yesterday in a colander or strainer. Combine with the ‘pre-dough’ from yesterday, then add rye flour and water, and stir until smooth.
Pour the dough into a 3L baking tin, cover with film and let it proof for 2−3 hours. You can sprinkle a little rye flour on top, just for decoration.
Bake at 175 °C for 1½ hour until the core temperature reaches 94−96 °C. Better bake it too much than too little, lest the bread gets pasty.
Let the bread cool off completely in the tin on a rack. If you want a crisper crust, you can wrap the bread in a kitchen towel and let it cool off on a rack.
Do not cut the bread until it had cooled off completely.