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This is my small personal capsule. A space to play around with Gemini and maybe to share some ideas that are less polished than what I would publish on other spaces.


2020-11-02 — My thoughts on Jason Shiga's Meanwhile

2020-08-16 — Labyrinth II

2020-06-19 — 5 Answers to 5 Questions

2020-07-08 — Updated Gemserv Setup

2020-07-11 — Request for Suggestions: Terminal Games

2020-06-15 — Thoughts about Zettelkästen

2020-06-08 — Random Labyrinth

2020-06-04 — My Server Setup with NixOS

(last updated: 2020-11-02)

Atom Feed

For commends and suggestions feel free to send an email to 'gemini@otrn.org'. I can understand and respond to emails in English and German.

I can also be found on the #gemini room on the tilde.chat IRC network. I go by the handle «dkibi» there.