The 微phlog (Weiphlog)

Tidbits and notions.  Stuff and blither.  News and snooze.  
This little gmiphloglet be short and more mirth than matter.


Seachtmhain na Gaedhilge poster (web)

On which side are you? Cracking propaganda for language revitalization, this, from our Irish friends.


Gopherpedia - Crisis of the Third Century (gopher)

It’s worth reading up on the Roman Empire’s Crisis of the Third Century and the concurrent pandemic, the Plague of Cyprian. Current events...


Bronzie Beat

Haha, I won Bronzie’s 80’s Halloween music compo! What a gas. I missed smolnet. Please encourage Bronzie to do a monthly compo or some such.

Solderpunk on DAT, &c (gmi)

It’s a jolly romp to surf old tech spurs, imagine what might have been. I used Sony MD in the aughts, semi-professionally. The greatest folly of that format was how Sony was infamously miserly with the proprietary data transfer format. One could download files to the MD, but never digitally upload to compy. Transferring to CD meant doing so by audio jack. To this day it’s not been cracked, I think. Sony shot themselves in the foot with that, as there was a ten year period in which many musicians would have loved for Minidisk to be a more native digital medium.

It’s dandy that so many smolneteers are doing the 5Q. It’s a winsome party game, I deem. I liked dctrud’s new answers, and look forward to fresh queries.

Hello, Geminispace! (gmi)

Cel, the doughty dev of the Dillo Gemini doohickey, is gemcapping anew with us. Howdy there, cel! Welcome!


Dolly Parton - Hard Candy Christmas


Amerika by Rammstein (MV)

This is not a love song.


Alex Schroeder 2016-11-14 (Gemini)

A stroll back nigh four years through a good collection of think or shock pieces on Trump. Some of them seem a bit obtuse in retrospect, as explicit racism has become a core rallying point for Trump’s more militant supporters. But on the whole, despite Covid, it’s interesting how little has changed in the USA polity’s sickened condition. Trump’s factions have, however, grown more ferocious in their credulity of their Leader, rendering the more shrugging apocalyptic rationalization of his support somewhat specious.

Deep Anthropocene (web)

On the one hand, there is little new here: humans have been acute engines of global ecological change for millennia. And the researchers toot their own horn disagreeably. It is good that an omnibus data survey has been conducted to show a statistical synthesis of this. I’d certainly second the notion that wilderness/human dualism isn’t helpful. But nor is the notion that human ecology is a “shaping”, as if all lifeways provide a similar basis to justify the intensive exploitation of empire. It should be stressed that healthful human inhabitation is possible. But to place intensive agriculture and industry exploitation on effective moral par with the agency of low impact horticulture is intellectually coarse to say the least. An ethic of dynamic symbiosis challenges such framing, and is in line of heritage with many of the more ecologically healthy and sustainable cultural innovations of the Mesolithic.


Greek Jewish woman weeping upon deportation to Auschwitz, 1944 (pic)


Jefferson, Christina - The Dendroglyphs of the Chatham Islands

A poignant memoir of one researcher’s long lonesome sojourn amongst the ghosts of a remote, genocided people. Her art and diligence do well to snapshot the land’s memory.


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