This is a mirror of my phlog on my gopherhole [1].

For comments, send me an email to jan [at] mecinus [dot] com, or drop me

a line at

2020-07-25 Re: Emacs everything

2020-07-10 Re: Actually listening to music again

2020-05-01 General update and dictionaries

2020-03-15 Focus

2020-02-08 Rating DVDs with Python

2020-01-31 On Fixing stuff

2019-12-31 Christmas retro gaming

2019-10-03 Corsica and bluetooth

2019-09-22 Music library cleanup

2019-09-16 Broken rib

2019-09-01 Whooping cough

2019-08-20 Welcome to my gopherhole

Back to my gemini capsule