Why the bond market might keep America’s next president awake at night

Author: prostoalex

Score: 17

Comments: 1

Date: 2020-11-06 02:00:08

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hikerclimb wrote at 2020-11-06 16:09:34:

Good. Hopefully us has to default on its bonds and lead to a worldwide collapse.

Proven wrote at 2020-11-06 11:45:22:

Please no, Sleepy Joe would have enough problems staying awake during the day!

But I think they are wrong - there's nothing else people who own those bonds could buy.

redis_mlc wrote at 2020-11-06 08:53:42:

You know, this kind of drivel is published all the time.

The only major economy in the world is the USA. Not China, not Europe, not Japan. Besides that, the US dollar is the de facto world currency.

To give you an idea of how important the US capital markets are, China is sitting there holding its breath, in mortal fear of having 1,000 of their companies delisted. It was access to US markets that funded BRI, China's navy and army, etc.

The ANT IPO that Xi killed on a whim is a clear warning to anybody who wants to invest in China - invest in the USA instead.