Life and Death of a Linux Process

Author: nyellin

Score: 17

Comments: 3

Date: 2020-11-05 19:54:55

Web Link


ElijahLynn wrote at 2020-11-06 03:17:53:

Nice read Natan! I learned that the difference between processes and threads are that threads share the same memory. Also learned about thread group IDs and that the thread group ID is the same as the first thread's processes ID.

p.s. You mentioned to contact you on LinkedIn but when I went to see how that worked it said I needed LinkedIn Premium to contact you. If you know that you may want to mention that requirement to the readers. If not, now you know that most can't contact you and probably won't sign up for that.

nyellin wrote at 2020-11-06 09:48:43:

Hi, thanks for the heads-up regarding LinkedIn Premium. I'll setup another solution for contacting me. (I also signed up for a trial of LinkedIn premium which should fix this issue temporarily.)

ElijahLynn wrote at 2020-11-06 19:57:36:

Cool, I was able to send you a message now without signing up myself, works now with your subscription!