The Canadian Mental Health Association is just a random organisation.
You could start one and say the same, or oppose it.
They seem pretty spammy, perhaps a Canadian could summarise them
Let those who work, pay for those who don't. Seems like a great plan./s
Let society crumble into a hellscape in which the majority have worse lives in exchange for the warm glow of knowing that at least they're not making life better for anyone else either.
It's like a religious belief in some places. People accept the evidence of how to make a better society, in which valuable people who could contribute are actually enabled to do so and ultimately the required tax take to keep everyone alive actually goes down, but they'd literally rather not do that because helping other people offends their sense of self.
Like the nonsense of many prison systems. Overwhelming evidence that it's an expensive way to get worse outcomes, but people just can't bring themselves to pay less for a better world if it means prisons are less hellscape.
I rather this then let those suffering live a poor life. I'll gladly pay my taxes to help those in need.
I'm suffering. I'd like some of your money, please. I'll send you my venmo email. Thanks, I appreciate it.
Do you think this is some kind of clever counter argument? It just reveals that you think helping your fellow humans is a ridiculous idea.
No I'm literally suggesting you send me cash. Help your fellow human.
Yes, that's exactly the idea. This is called "mutual aid".
But are you really helping them? On the surface it would seem so, just give them money. But as always reality is much more complex.
work -> to get money -> spend on the product of work
get money -> spend on the product of work
Does work have no value? The price of any given item will increase with the ammount required to make it worth while for somone to do and not just ride the handout.
Production will plumit and costs will skyrocket.
An old adage, Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Force a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime.
Another way to think about it is as an energy system. As work is put in the energy in the system increases. The system currently has stored energy, but if you stop putting in energy and just consume it, in time you will deplete it.
What do you think of social security?
No Nation would need ,
Social Welfare / UBI if
Taxation removed
Overseas aid removed
welfare state removed
USRY removed
Central banks removed
and we went back to
Local + State + National :-
NO Federal National Goverment
No Central banks
No fait currency + QE
No Overseas manfactoring
No ' free ' trade
No corporations
Min wage lowered back to 10 dollars per hour
Super/retirment funds removed
paid time off removed
pregant pay removed
paid holiday pay removed
Wage tax removed
income tax removed
Goverment is LOCAL and district based
and ran like a business, running services as PAYG
to earn a profit
not stealing money by state force from the citizens
Whatever. They could have endorsed free healthcare too.
The idea of a more equitable society will be delusional for Americans
Many people are uglier than others too. Some people get more tinder matches than others.
Do we also throw acid on the more attractive people to ensure a more equitable society for the relatively ugly men/women?
Why only the equity of money but not other things on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Taxation in unethical, and immoral to the people who work hard. Some people compensate for being physically ugly by having more money.
I work with my body using my brain. It's my body, my choice. Just like no one deserves to be raped, you cannot force people to give away gains of their work.
>Why only the equity of money but not other things on the Maslow's hierarchy of needs?
For the same reason you'd probably rather be paid with money than with Tinder matches or beauty products. Money is the general equivalent in modern societies, so its hard to believe you really can't see why it's so special. No philosopher has argued for equality of looks, or even equality of resources. This seems like a straw man you've set up just to attack the idea of taxation.
>I work with my body using my brain. It's my body, my choice. Just like no one deserves to be raped, you cannot force people to give away gains of their work.
This argument makes several philosophical assumptions that may not be justified. See the Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy on this:
The same moral reasoning that dictates the state should not interfere in matters of speech extends to other spheres of life to give other outcomes e.g. prosperity, rather than only freedom.
All women of all races of ALL nations on the planet choose men by the rule of 6
* Over 6 inchs
* Over 6 foot
* Over 6 in looks
* Over 6 figure income
ALL women want a man taller then them
ALL women want a man RICHER then them
ALL women treat males as RESOURCE PROVIDERS
ALL women refuse to take personal respolbities for their own choices and actions
ALL GOVERMENTS refuse to hold women accountable and grant them a FEMALE PASS, lower standards and CONSTANT leg over
Females since they are ' equal ' and ' empowered ' , have replaced males with the STATE
Its now the STATE that uses
* force for them
* funds them
* protects them
* shelds them
By giving women ' equal " and the VOTE
the state created a new voting block depant on the state , welfare and corrupt courts/laws
Please follow HN guidelines- your comment appears vitriol
As for taxes, I recommend this Harvard video series on ethics:
Note: Taxes appear way after several videos though...
Equal opportunity, not equal outcome.
The legal system, in its infinite wisdom, makes it illegal for rich and poor alike to sleep on a park bench.
Exactly how much of my income are other people entitled to?
As much as is believed desirable by the elected representatives of the democratic society in which you live.
Equal Outcome
- Welfare
- Alimony
- Child ' support'
Affirm action
Diversity quotas
female only jobs
black only jobs
gay only jobs
non straight white male only jobs
lower standards
leg over
special rewards
remove skill
remove merit
remove reward hard work
everyone gets a pass/sticker/prize
To get everyone the same you need to lower everyone to the same bar , well every citizen
Of course media, mainstream, rich , 'elite' and goverment isnt held to this lowering
Facism + Socialism + Commies + Zionism , its all the same AUTHORIAN govermence done by FORCE over citizens
its all LEFT WING
its all based on LIES
Its all ENFORCED with armed order followers