Running geminid

Since geminid has now a decent configuration file, I might as well update this document, since I now have institutionalized a few things.

I have created a new user "gemini", which is used to run the daemon (which doesn't daemonize yet...). Also, I have created the following directories:

My current configuration for geminid (/usr/local/etc/geminid/geminid.conf) looks like this:

global = {
	serverroot = "/srv/geminid";
	logdir = "/var/log/geminid";
	loglocaltime = "yes";
	logtimeformat = "[%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z]";
	port = 1965;

vhost = (
		name = "";
		docroot = "";
		accesslog = "gemini.uxq.ch_access.log";
		errorlog = "gemini.uxq.ch_error.log";
		cert = "/usr/local/etc/geminid/certs/";
		key = "/usr/local/etc/geminid/keys/";
		index = "index.gmi";

Furthermore it's missing a proper init script, but since the start of the process is pretty simple, I haven't taken the time to do that. I keep running the server in a screen-session in the context of the "gemini" user. Starting the server is done via

geminid -c /usr/local/etc/geminid/geminid.conf

Last updated: 2020-05-20