BPF binaries: BTF, CO-RE, and the future of BPF perf tools

Author: ingve

Score: 21

Comments: 2

Date: 2020-11-05 07:45:38

Web Link


otoburb wrote at 2020-11-05 18:23:06:

Huge momentum in the BPF space. This is welcome news indeed. Minimizing "adoption drag" is unique in BPF's regard in that I can't think of any other major Linux initiative that has been coordinated as effectively over a relatively long period of time.

alexeldeib wrote at 2020-11-05 18:44:02:

Very cool. Have played around with this a bit and it's great.

Unfortunately, adopting BTF and CO-RE won't be possible for us any time soon. We still have a lot of VMs out there with Ubuntu 16.04/18.04. The 18.04 Azure kernel is based on 5.4 I think? Which is still too old to properly support all of this functionality as far as I know. So we'll have to do runtime compilation or per-kernel specialization for a while yet.