What's the Deal with SvelteKit?

Author: kevinak

Score: 24

Comments: 2

Date: 2020-11-05 09:17:58

Web Link


andrew-dc wrote at 2020-11-05 20:16:26:

We use a couple instances of Sapper in a Design System / UI component monorepo (for documentation and a sandbox). It worked well in regard to "just working" with Svelte (as opposed to shoe-horning Svelte components into something like Storybook, which we also tested), but even so, Sapper still added more complexity that was needed in our specific case.

Before Svelte Summit, I had a 'look into Svelte + Snowpack' on my list of, "when we have some time TODOs' list.

From the looks of it, SvelteKit will dominate on the dev experience and also thin down some of the things we were doing with Sapper. I look forward to rolling our existing stuff to it.

pier25 wrote at 2020-11-05 16:04:09:

_I think we're talking about weeks rather than months._

Oh wow that is much sooner than I anticipated.

I was never too fond of Sapper for a number of reasons but SvelteKit is super exciting.