This will actually be nice for me! I live up in the mountains of Puerto Rico with microwave internet, so not the greatest.
Currently I can only watch partnered streamers because Twitch only allows transcoding for partners. So if they are streaming too high quality I just sit and buffer the whole time.
If I can just turn on uBlock to get transcoding that'll be awesome :)
Works fine for me. I cleared my cache thinking maybe I have the old scripts cached or something and nope, still works fine. Shrug.
I subscribe to half a dozen streams, if Twitch doesn't get enough from that then that's their problem. Introduce a new subscription model or something, but I won't live with ads.
There is no site on the internet that I will disable uBlock for (with the exception of temporarily disabling it for testing purposes for clients).
If you read the top comment in the Reddit thread, it sounds like there was a bit of an arms race, with uBlock and Twitch each releasing patches to undo the other’s change. It seems that uBlock got the final word in.
Joke's on them, I'm watching using streamlink.
Twitch is the one you can't fast forward right? I'm good.
be careful with fast forwarding life
Twitch is for live-streaming. You can fast forward if you aren’t watching in real time though.
It works fine here.
Sounds like I don't need to use Twitch ever again.
That is true, you don’t. You can choose whether you want to use it or not.
Good luck. Peertube is working on livestreaming. Not exactly a drop replacement to twitch but once technology matures, people would have a federated alternative in their hands. Good luck with ads
And how are streamers paid by peertube? Peertube roadmaps mention live streaming but don't mention any monetization. Without that nobody serious about streaming will see this as an alternative. Maybe some hobbyists publishing their work for free anyway.
> And how are streamers paid by peertube?
They aren't. But streamers will be free to host their own service dedicated fully to them, so they can monetize in whichever manner they want.
Some of the big streamers on twitch have devs working for them on custom integrations of twitch with their own platforms for viewer retention.
It's not unlikely that they could pay the same people to build those tools on top of peertube.
Some of the features would have to be at the protocol level. Subscriptions are one thing that could be done outside, but ads bring revenue as well. You'd have to have reporting of ad views that doesn't get blocked by everyone by default.
You'll lose pre-roll ads, but aren't streamers mostly financed by donations anyway? They can also still run their own ads in-stream without issues.
This stat is skewed because you can't use ads until you have lots of subscribers / partner status. Also since twitch stopped preserving old videos, that number will be lower, but it doesn't have to be on peertube. But, again, in-stream ads can't get measured viewership and get stale for the usual twitch use ads (new hardware/software) so you need them out of band to perform well.
peertube is a software. not a website where people can join and make money. you have to supply your own server infrastructure, bring your own members, use your own monetization, earn your own money.