MarmaladeFoo says Hello Gemini World!

Welcome to the server.


The only user at present is myself, Luke Emmet - lute maker and software maker.


Here I'll be sharing some content about Gemini, including client development thoughts, GemiNaut and server side Gemini applications.

Feel free to drop me a line: email: luke [at] marmaladefoo [dot] com

GemiNaut - a user-friendly GUI for Gemini on Windows

GemiNaut is a graphical client for Gemini, on Windows. Written in C# and Rebol. It aims to provide an attractive, usable, familiar and native user experience of Gemini on Windows.

GemiNaut client

Duckling Proxy

Duckling is an HTTP proxy so you can access the Small Web from your Gemini client

Duckling Proxy announcement

Duckling Proxy Github repo

Gemini utilities

These are cross platform utilities written in Go.

html2gemini - HTML to Gemini Go library

html2gmi - HTML to Gemini command line app



Atom XML feed

Server apps

Oblique Strategies app - offering creative advice on the hour

CGI to serve a live Atom feed from a text/gemini blog file

Simple calculator server app

Hello world server app

External websites

MarmaladeFoo website

Orlando Lutes website

Github projects