So does this mean that blood-letting actually does improve the ability to fight disease? Has blood-letting ever actually been studied in randomized controlled trials? If it has perhaps those trials would contain data relevant to this new finding.
I can't think of much to say that wasn't already said in the article, except that it's great we have this study clarifying the whole "transfusions in mice can make them younger" phenomenon.
Also discussed here:
I've heard that just donating blood can have some healthful benefits. Perhaps that was primarily lowering your blood pressure but I wonder if there is any other benefit despite the volume not being replaced by saline and albumin.
It seems so.
So basically we need an oil change.
Sounds too simple... there must be a catch
Maybe a catch-basin
Isn't that what Keith Richards would do when he had like every drug in his system?
The catch probably has something to do with vampires.