Ask HN: What tools to use for a political party IT infrastructure?

Author: greencore

Score: 5

Comments: 4

Date: 2020-11-05 21:20:36


maltalex wrote at 2020-11-06 10:22:19:

In this day and age, I'd recommend consulting with actual security professional for organizations as public as political parties.

Short of that, make sure to (at least) cover the basics:

- Ask everyone to use a trusted password manager and strong, unique password for everything. Avoid shared accounts and shared passwords.

- Enable 2FA everywhere, strongly prefer authentication apps or even better, hardware tokens over SMS. Use SMS 2FA only as a last resort.

- Have everyone go through cyber security awareness training. Many attacks start off as (spear) phishing emails and/or various social engineering shenanigans.

- Update every piece of software _obsessively_. That includes everything from workstations and phones to servers, VPNs, routers and printers. Do not use any device which isn't supported anymore.

speedgoose wrote at 2020-11-06 07:04:23:

Probably not AWS if your party don't like Amazon.

pestaa wrote at 2020-11-06 12:37:05:

It could be somewhat hypocritical to use big cloud providers if the party is heavily anti-corporate, but even then... who cares?

You can very well be in favor of regulating companies whose services you rely on, and accept the consequently increased bills.

speedgoose wrote at 2020-11-06 12:45:58:

I would guess a few people would care. A journalist or two.

No regulation doesn't necessarily mean lower bills. Look at the fortune of Jeff Bezos.