As revealed in a new Studio 3T survey of more than 18,000 developers and others,
Studio3T sells Mongo client/IDE software. So take this survey with more than a few grains of salt.
On my part, as someone who is responsible for an application running on Mongo, I plan on pairing MongoDB with Postgres so I can get my data out of Mongo and into Postgres and not have to deal with Mongo BS anymore.
And by BS I mean problems like how Mongo's change stream is not guaranteed to be able to handle any valid Mongo document. A document that is just under the max size limit in Mongo can be too big for the change stream. Using the official client libraries the change streams will just stop working. Ran into this yesterday in prod, and it broke stuff. We are paying Mongo support customers, and support's answer is "yeah this can happen; no, we don't know what the actual document size limit is that change streams can handle, so change how you're modelling your data".
I never managed to fully get into MongoDB and work with it. Document model just does not work for me, having worked with relational databases for nearly 12 years.
Why does this feel a bit like an infomercial? In my (admittedly small and biased) network, I mostly see MongoDB being _replaced_ by Postgres.
I wonder if Postgres' foreign data wrappers would help with either migrating data out of Mongo, or sort of siloing it while you migrate interfaces and new services to Postgres only