I take issue with several of his statements:
At 1:16 he says
it takes 20 times as much effort as it should to do anything on the web ... there's this culture of people not spending most of their time actually working
At around 2:15 he says
what web programmers spend most of their time doing is useless busywork that is not actually objectively necessary to create the functionality. It's just dealing with a bunch of weird conventions by some other software that they're trying to use...
Let's assume he knows he's exaggerating with 20x, regardless, where does he get this number? Let's assume by "people not spending most of their time actually working" he doesn't mean people are screwing around and are undisciplined. Instead let's assume he's saying a similar thing to what he says later, that "web programmers spend most of their time doing busywork." But again I'd ask where does he get this statistic? Again let's assume he's exaggerating, still, where does he gets this info?
So being generous, let's interpret him to say it takes more effort than it should to do things on the web, and that web programmers have to spend some of their time doing work that isn't directly related to what they're trying to achieve. I can agree with that, but statements like "20 times" and "most" are outlandish imo. And these more reasonable statements should not lead him or anyone to conclude "web programming is collapsing in like 10 years".
Eh, not sure what insight Blow has on web work. He seems to condescend toward web devs and have an axe to grind about it.