Anu: Version control software in Rust, written by Pijul developers

Author: adamnemecek

Score: 22

Comments: 2

Date: 2020-11-05 20:44:46

Web Link


Smaug123 wrote at 2020-11-05 22:49:25:

Since it currently appears to have been hugged to death, here's the homepage (

). The documentation link was not archived; I'm getting that done whenever I can.

Anu is a free and open source distributed version control system based on a sound mathematical theory of asynchronous work.
It is based on changes rather than snapshots, making it easier to use, more reliable and deterministic than alternatives.
This project is a rewriting from scratch of Pijul by the same authors, with a number of new ideas.
On this site, you may find documentation on this tool. Also, check out, our hosting platform.

marton78 wrote at 2020-11-05 23:31:42:

Why the rename? Pijul is already a bit known and I saw other projects reference it (such as most recently a peer to peer GitHub thingy that appeared on the front page of HN). Why is it not just the next incompatible update of Pijul?