Basic Usage

- Terraform uses all files in the current dir that end in `tf`

- `terraform init` initialises the current project and fetches the providers

- `terraform plan` shows the changes that are to be done in the next apply stage

- `terraform apply` applis the configuration to the infrastructure

- the state is stored in a `.tfstate` file. This keeps tracks of the resources

it manages

- `terraform show` displays the details of the resources it manages

- `terraform destory` tears down all resources managed by the configuration

- `terraform fmt` formats the configuration for consistency

- `terraform validate` validates and finds any syntactical mistakes in the


- `--auto-approve` to skip the confirmation while applying

- `terraform state list` to show the resources we manage

- `terraform state show <resource_name>` to show details and other attributes of

a resource

- `terraform output` shows the output from the state file

- `terraform refresh` refreshes the state file from the actual resources

- adding a `-target=<name>` to apply/destroy allows us to create/destroy

individual resources