
Borrow module

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- A `Cow` is a Clone on write smart pointer

- Its and enum which is either `Borrowed` or `Owned`

- So `Cow<T>` either contains a `Borror<T>` or owns `T`

- a `Cow` implements `Deref`. So if it holds a reference, it just passes-through

the access. If it owns the value, the reference is returned

- If we try to modify the value in a `Cow` and:

1. if it owns the value, it simply does the modification

2. if its a borrowed value/shared reference, it can't directly modify it

so it clones the value and turns it into the `Owned` version

and gives us a mutable reference

- Useful in cases where we only sometimes need to modify a value.

eg: a string escaping function


// Without using cow, the function would look something like this:

// fn escape<'a>(s: &'a str) -> String

// but for a string that does not need to be escaped, allocating a String

// is wasteful. A Cow allows us to Clone only when its necessary

// so the function becomes something like:

fn escape<'a>(s: &'a str) -> Cow<'a, str> {

if already_escaped(s) {


} else {

let mut string = s.to_string();

// modify (escape) string here





- a real world example is where the `from_utf8_lossy` function on `Strings`

returns a `Cow<str>`. It returns a `Borrowed` if the string is valid utf-8.

Otherwise, it converts it into a `Vec` and replaces all invalid chars and

returns that `Owned` value. This is a great example where `Cow` lets you not

to modify when not needed.