�009����������������������������������������������������������������������009� � The Phone Losers Of America � � Present � � Jim Bayless's Triumph - By Colleen ChiliPepper � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͵ � Written On November 9, 1994 � �009����������������������������������������������������������������������009� This is an actual play that was presented in class. It was awarded an "A+." It is not to be confused with reality because we all know that phone company security personell never really catch who they're after. If you have any questions about this ongoing case, feel free to call Jim Bayless at work. (Ameritech Corporate Security) His number is 317-265-2539 or 317-556-4722. Open, a young man in a telephone booth calling some lady. BRAD: Hello, this is Jim Bayless from Ameritech Corporate Security and we've been having some problems with our voice mail system. I was wondering if we could have your code number to help aid us in cleaning up this problem? MRS. SMITH: What was your name, Tim Bazil? Speghetti sounds good for dinner but bazil is a little too strong a spice for me. Do you have any garlic? BRAD: Bayless, ma'am. MRS.SMITH: No, Mrs. Smith. Now what was it you wanted? Oh yes, my code number is 4623. BRAD: Thank you very much for your time and cooperation. I will call you tomorrow and let you know how this case is going. MRS. SMITH: Bye now! BRAD: (After hanging up phone) Ha, ha, ha! I'm gonna get her! (Pauses as he dials up her voice mail system and gets into her box) Hi, I'm not here right now and neither is Mrs. Smith. The stupid, slimey slug is out rolling dog doo doo. Mrs. Smith, you're stupid! I can't believe you just gave me your code you stupid retard! Ha ha! [Note: Certain words had to be substituted as cussing was not allowed in the classroom.] NEXT DAY After listening to her voicemail's outgoing message, Mrs. Smith decides to call Ameritech Security. MRS SMITH: I need to speak with Mr. Jim Bayless. MR. BAYLESS: Yes? Speaking, how can I help you? MRS. SMITH: My name is Mrs. Smith and this little brat called my work saying he was you and convinced me to give him my passcode. Then he called my voicemail and said some very mean stuff. He called me a slimey slug in dog doo doo. Then he called me a retard! I want this taken care of immediately. I can't even get my messages because he changed my passcodes. MR. BAYLESS: I know who that is, don't worry ma'am. I'll take care of Brad Carson, a.k.a. RedBoxChiliPepper! TWO WEEKS LATER Mr. Bayless tracks Mr. Carson down and calls him. MR. BAYLESS: Mister, I got you in the hot seat! You have two choices: You can stop now and I'll give you a Resses Peanut Butter Cup every day that you're good. I know you're a nice person and I have faith in you. Or, I'll track you down and make you come work for me until you learn to be a good, upstanding citizen. BRAD: No, Mr. Bayless, anything but a job at the phone company. And you know I love Reeses. I'll be good. When's the delivery boy comming over? MR. BAYLESS: Right now! Chris Tomkinson, go to Phone Phreakers Lane and bring RedBoxChiliPepper this Reeses. CHRIS: (Knocks on telephone booth door & give Brad a reeses.) BRAD: Boy, oh boy, a Reeses Peanut Butter Cup! (He shoves them in his mouth and looks up and Chris is standing with his hand out.) CHRIS: Tip? BRAD: I'll give you a tip, don't give out your social security number! (Brad slams the telephone booth door in his face.) ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͸ � Contact The Phone Losers Of America Nearest You! The P.L.A. Voice Mailbox � � number is 512-370-4680. And PLEASE don't pay for your phone calls. -RBCP � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������;