�024����������������������������������������������������������������������024� � The Phone Losers Of America Present � � 10xxx Long Distance Codes - RedBoxChiliPepper � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������͵ � Written On February 20, 1995 Last Revision on March 9, 1995 � �024����������������������������������������������������������������������024� I decided to prove to all of you once and for all that I really don't have a life...So here it is...Starting on a weekend night when I COULD have been out abusing illigal substances, I began to dial all of the 1,000 long distance codes, one by one and here's a list of all the codes just to prove it. All of these codes work from Corpus Cristi, Texas but if you're reading this from another state, you'll notice that some of the codes don't work and there's some that aren't listed here. Sorry, but I just didn't have the time to take airplanes around the U.S. and try out the codes everywhere. To use a long distance code, dial 10xxx-1-AREA CODE-NUMBER. To speak with an operator, dial 10xxx-0. To identify what a certain code is, dial 10xxx-1-700- 555-4141 and it'll usually tell you what carrier owns it. That 700 number is a free call, by the way. If you want to use your stolen calling card with one of these codes, dial 10xxx-0-AREA CODE-NUMBER and follow the instructions. Some of these people won't let you place a call unless you have an account on their system. Most of these companies know exactly where you're calling from and what your phone number is but a few can't tell so you can use them as extenders. My favorite to play with is 109870. It's just like 1-800-COLLECT but it's a little less advanced AND it's in Spanish. It really confuses whoever you call. 10009 Long Distance Network, 1600 Promenade #1510, Richardson, Texas 75080 Customer Service 1-800-999-0395 (See also 10395) 10036 Long Distance Savers, 3009 Desoto, Monroe, Louisiana, 71201 Customer Service 1-800-256-4491 (Very understaffed) 10057 Vadacom, 711 Louisiana Suite 2300, Houston, Texas 77002 Customer Service 1-800-947-1080 (Also goes by the name of Nationwide.) 10064 Fast Busy Signal 10070 U.S. Long Distance, P.O.Box 72906, Corpus Cristi, Texas, 78472, Customer Service 1-800-460-1111 10080 LDDS Metromedia, 515 East Amidt Suite 200, Jackson, Miss 39201-2702 Customer Service 1-800-350-4211 (Automated Collect Calls) 10084 LDDS Metromedia, 515 East Amidt Suite 200, Jackson, Miss 39201-2702 Customer Service 1-800-350-4211 10085 WesTel Incorporated, P.O.Box 1985, Austin, Texas, 78767-1985 Customer Service 1-800-580-5585 10088 Wiltel Communications, 15450 S. Outer Forty Drive, Chesterfield, MO 63017 Customer Service 1-800-864-4060 10126 I just can't figure this one out, dammit. 10203 Cytel, P.O.Box 671905, Houston, Texas, 77267 Customer Service 1-800-324-7417 10211 AllNet Communications, P.O.Box 5032, Southfield, Michigan 48086-9958 Customer Service 1-800-783-2020 10221 Fast Busy Signal? 10222 MCI Telecommunications, 230 Schilling Plaza South, Hunt Valley, MD 21031 Customer Service 1-800-444-3333 10223 Cable & Wireless Communications, 8219 Leesburg Pike, Vienna, VA 22182 Customer Service 1-800-486-8686 10252 U.S. Sprint. Some kind of backdoor, I think. See the attached sheet at the bottom of this file. (See also 10333) 10270 WillTel Communications, Customer Service 1-800-864-4060 10272 Can't Identify 10279 Fast Busy Signal 10282 ActionTel, 400 Pine Suite 500, Abilene, Texas, 79601 Customer Service 1-800-588-2222 or (915)-672-2222 10288 AT&T Communications, (Can also be reached at 1-800-CALL-ATT) Customer Service 1-800-222-0300 (See also 10387) 10313 StarTel, P.O.Box 6090, Bryan, Texas, 77805 (You have to subscribe) Customer Service 1-800-366-2030 10319 Can't Identify 10333 US Sprint, Customer Service 1-800-877-4646 (See also 10252) 10366 American Telco, 100 Waugh Drive, Suite #200, Houston, Texas 77007 Customer Service 1-800-444-0258 10387 AT&T Communications, Customer Service 1-800-222-0300 (See also 102880) 10390 Can't Identify 10395 Long Distance Network, 1600 Promenade Suite 1510, Richardson, TX, 75080 Customer Service 1-800-999-0395 (See also 10009) 10397 Phone Loser Communications Inc, Corpus Cristi, Texas, 78403 Customer Service 1-512-370-4680 10403 VadaCom, 711 Louisiana Suite 2300, Houston, Texas, 77002 Customer Service 1-800-947-1080 (See also 10057) 10423 CTI Network, 800 N Shoreline Blvd, Suite 460S, Corpus Cristi, TX 78401 Customer Service 1-800-456-9077 10425 Capital Network, Customer Service 1-800-569-8780 10444 Allnet Communication Services, Customer Service 1-800-783-2020 10457 Dial & Save, 4219 Lafayette Center Drive, Chantilly, VA 22021-1209 Customer Service 1-800-787-3333 10464 WilTel Communications Customer Service 1-800-864-4060 10479 "All circuits are busy now. Try your call again later." 10488 MetroMedia Operator Services 10502 Communications Telesystems International Customer Service 1-800-569-8700 10509 Can't Identify 10555 WilTel Communications Customer Service 1-800-864-4060 10569 Can't Identify 10596 Are circuits are busy and network difficulties. Typical. 10658 WilTel Communications 10661 Coastal Automated Operator, Salt Lake City, Utah Customer Service 1-800- 10686 AT&T Long Distance Network. That's Weird... 10687 This one basically says, "Fuck you, we don't want you to call here." 10718 Can't Identify 10732 Private Network...If I dial 10732-1-NUMBER it tells me to dial 10288 and if I dial 10732-0 it acts as if I dialed 10288-0. 10733 LDDS/Metromedia Automated Operator 10737 LDDS/Metromedia Automated Operator (Again!) 10741 LDDS/Metromedia Communications 10751 LDDS/Metromedia Communications (Polly want a cracker?) 10780 U.S.Sprint, Customer Service 1-800-877-4646 10797 LDDS Metromedia (Yet another LDDS automated collect call. Same as the other ones I've listed.) 10800 LDDS Metromedia (Automated Collect. Sheez, how many do they NEED??) 10805 WillTel Customer Service 1-800-864-4060 10810 U.S. Sprint, Customer Service 1-800-877-4646 (See also 10333 & 10252) 10811 Intellical Operator Services (VarTech Payphones) Customer Service 1-800-583-8811 10813 AllNet Communications Customer Service 1-800-783-2020 10835 M.C.I. Communications Customer Service 1-800-444-3333 10853 Network Customer Service 1-800-530-4898 10872 U.S.Sprint Communications (Phoenix, Arizona) Customer Serivce 1-800-877-4646 10878 ATI Network Customer Service 1-800-456-9077 10879 NTS 687 (Very rude operators) 10881 Coastal Telephone Automated Operator, Customer Service 1-800- 10888 M.C.I. Communications (Same as 10222) 10914 Century Long Distance, San Marcos, Texas Customer Service 1-800-324-1234 10923 Thrify Call, 500 Carlson Circle, San Marcos, Texas, 78666 Customer Service 1-800-554-3057 10926 U.S. Sprint (Spanish Sprint Operator!) 10983 Fast Busy Signal 10987 LDDS Metromedia Automated Collect Call Service You can either select English or Spanish collect calls! 10999 LDDS Metromedia, P.O.Box 628067, Orlando, Florida, 32862 Customer Service 1-800-275-0200 ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 10252 10252 10252 10252 10252 10252 10252 10252 10252 10252 10252 10252 10252 ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� While doing all of this scanning, there was one number in there that still has me wondering just exactly what in the hell it is. The LD code 10252 and it belongs to U.S.Sprint. I was thinking of keeping this one all to myself because I thought I could make calling card calls with it from home seeing as how they don't know what number I'm calling from, but decided against it when one operator knew which city I was calling from. So here's what I know: 1. The operator that answers will only identify herself as a "special billing operator." I guess that makes her feel important. She'll be freaked out that you're calling her and she doesn't have your information on her screen. She won't tell you where she's calling from, but a few will hint that they're calling "from the mid-west." I finally got one of them to admit where they where calling from which is Wynonna, Minnesota by telling them that I was their supervisor in Chicago. Even if you ask, "Hi, have I reached the Wynonna, Minnesota office?" they usually won't tell you. One of them told me they were a "Hospitality Operator." 2. They WILL place a call for you collect, third party (with verification), or on a calling card. They won't dial direct (free) or with your red box. Usually, though, before they place the call they give you the third degree asking you questions like: "Who are you?", "Are you calling from a pay fone?", "What number did you dial to get me?", "What number are you calling from?" and a few other mundane questions. Whatever you do, don't tell her the access code you dialed to get her. This is interesting and we don't need them shutting it off. 3. She won't complete a toll-free (800) call for anyone but three times now, I've convinced her to anyways, saying that I was a GTE lineman. Each time I had her call a different ANI number and each one came up with a number in Los Angeles. One of them is 213-892-8743 which just rings and never answers. The other one is 213-624-9126 which says, "This number is disconnected..." 4. If you try to make a direct call (such as 10252-1-512-370-4680) you'll get a screwed up voice saying, "We're sorry, the number that you are calling from is not in service at this time. Call your carrier for asisstance..." 5. Most of the operators will claim that they have your number on their screen but they'll still ask you for your number and they won't tell you what your number is if you ask for it. Also, some operators admit that they can't see where you're calling from so this leads me to believe that none of them can. Except ONE operator so far knew which city and state I was calling from. Most of them can't even tell which state so I don't know. If they don't know where I am, how do they know how much to bill me for a long distance call? For all they know, I'm calling someone down the street. Here's a conversation I had with one of them today: ME:: Dialing 10252-0... HER: ...Uh...Sprint, may I help you? ME:: Hi, is this the Wynonna, Minnesota office? HER: I can't give you that information. ME:: Well, you're not in Los Angeles, are you? HER: (Pauses to think...) No. ME:: Well, I just wanted to ask you a question. How come when I have you dial the ANI number, it gives me a number in the 213 area code and not there in Minnesota? HER: Do you work for us? ME:: No, I work against you. HER: Hold on just a second...(Gets her supervisor) SUP: This is the supervisor, may I help you? ME:: Yeah, how come when I dial ANI through you I get Los Angeles? SUP: (Sounds pissed) Who are you?? ME:: Alex. SUP: Well, who do you work for? ME:: McDonald's (No, I really don't work there...Give me a break.) SUP: McDonald who?? ME:: McDonald's, the fast food joint, you know? Could you please tell me what number you show that I'm calling from? What's on your screen? SUP: I'm not at liberty to give out that information. ME:: Hmmmmm...Could you VERIFY the number? SUP: No, I can't do that either, I'm sorry. What number did you dial to reach this office? ME:: I'm sorry, I'm not at liberty to give out that information. SUP: Why not? ME:: Well, I'll make you a deal. You give me my phone number and I'll give you your phone number. SUP: No, I can't do that. ME:: Please? I'll box you a quarter... SUP: (Laughs) No, what number are you calling from? ME:: Well, we both obviously need information from each other so here's what we're going to do: I'll tell you my area code, YOU tell me my prefix, I'll tell you the first two numbers of my suffix and YOU tell me the last two numbers. That sounds like a reasonable trade. Well, that goes on and on. I spoke with this operator for 10-20 minutes and it just goes downhill from there. I've also called them from home and harrassed them to death. The address of the office is: LDUSA 3rd & Johnson Commercial Court Wynonna, Minnesota 55987 (507)-454-8386 Names of Supervisors: Dan, Glinda, Names of Operators: Jenell, Cindy, Renae, Sarah, "Is this a test call?" ��������������Contact�The�Phone�Losers�Of�America�Nearest�You!��������������͸ � 512-370-4680 PLA Voice Mailbox And PLEASE Don't Pay � � 512-851-8317 Sonic Youth Systems For Your Fone Calls! � � 512-883-7543 PLA WHQ Texas Line � � 618-797-2339 PLA WHQ Illinois Line � ����������������������������������������������������������������������������;