-----=======Article for PHAiT=======------ Shadow Runner 06/06/94 �!�n�RCH���! -TiME- PYROMANIA. Well if your like me, you love fire, and there is nothing better than seeing a field or a neighbors grass burn to a crisp. SO in the next few paragraphs, we will discuss, how to get revenge on someone, how to just have fun, and other things. REVENGE: Ever get that one mother-fucker who thinks he's the shit? Well I have, wanna know how to fuck him up? Follow this easy recipe. Now I got the basis of this recipe from an article in the JR Cook Book but built on it. 1) 1 tennis ball (NEW) 2) 1 box, strike anywhere matches 3) 1 pound black powder (OPTIONAL) 4) Speed first, cut about an eight of an inch of the tennis ball, shove all the match heads you can to fill the ball half way, then file about 5 tsp of black powder in, then close the hole with the piece you cut out, or with some glue. Then put it somewhere cold, like a freezer, or outback during winter. What happens, is the blackpowder starts to dismiss fumes and breakdown in colder weather, the fumes blend with the match heads, and make them very unstable. To say the least don't touch the tennis ball for about 24-30 hours. After about a day and a half. Get the ball, It will feel like there is just one thing in the ball, thats what you want, if it sound like more than one or two things are rattling, throw the bal as fast and as far as you can and run. If it sound likes it should, find the little prick man, and throw it at him. When the ball hits him, he wont be having a pleasant day ;) How to get in anywhere: Get gasoline, any kind, and get a metal container, and some Styrofoam, mix two parts ga, with 1 part Styrofoam. Then wait a while like overnight, and it will look like the gas decomposed the Styrofoam, well get rid of the big chunks on top, pour the remaining gas into another container(for use again) and on the bottom should be some "GOOP", well thats what you want, you need to gather this "GOOP" and put it on say a masterlock or something, and light it, this shit will never burn out, it will fuck up the lock, long before it looses its power. This recipe is also good if your beige boxing and you don't wanna get caught, just lace the phone line and the victims box with this shit, and if anyone sees you light the shit, then wire, box and phone service will be out for at least a week. PHAiT- `Putting new twists on old ideas!'