Transcription of 2600 Magazine Autumn, 1992
Text of Agrippa (A Book of the Dead) by William Gibson (1992)
Approaching Zero: The Extraordinary Underworld of Hackers, Phreakers, Virus Writers and Keyboard Criminals by Paul Mungo and Bryan Glough (1993)
Project Gutenberg: The Big Dummy's Guide to the Internet, by the EFF
The Hacker Bible, by the Chaos Computer Club
Project Gutenberg: President Clinton's Inaugural Address
Project Gutenberg: President Clinton's Inaugural Address
Project Gutenberg: President Clinton's Inaugural Address
Directory of Electronic Journals and Newsletters Edition 2.1 by Michael Strangelove (July, 1992)
ASCII Transcription of the Eye of Argon, reputedly the Worst Science Fiction Novel Ever Written
The Project Gutenberg Extext of Bruce Sterling's Hacker Crackdown
The Hacker's Handbook, by Hugo Cornwall (1985)
The Hacker's Handbook by Hugo Cornwall (1985)
The Hacker's Handbook, by Hugo Cornwall (1985)
The Hitchhikers Guide to the Internet by Ed Krol (August 25, 1987)
The Jargon File (Version 2.9.10) by Eric Raymond (July 1, 1992)
An invitation to take part in the Last Book Project with Media Kaos and Joseph Matheny (1993)
Workshop on Electronic Texts Proceedings, by James Day (June 10, 1992)
Net-Letter Guide: A Newshound's Guide to Newsy Perodicals Available through the Internet, by John M. Hihhins (May 5, 1994)
Project Gutenberg: The Online World, by Odd De Presno
The Oxford Text Archive Is Proud to Make an Announcement (October 29, 1993)
The Price Index of Computers: The Rate of Change of the Rate of Change, by Michael S. Hart (November, 1993)
The Dawn of Amatur Radio in the UK and Greece, a Personal View, by Normal F. Joly (1990)
Terminal Comprimise by Winn Schwartau: "The World's First Novel-On-The-Net Shareware"
Project Gutenberg: Terminal Compromise, by Winn Schwartau
Chapters 1-5 of Terminal Comprimise by Winn Schwartau
Chapters 6-14 of Terminal Comprimise by Winn Schwartau
Chapters 16-21 of Terminal Comprimise by Winn Schwartau
Chapters 22-Conclusion of Terminal Comprimise by Winn Schwartau
The 1990 United States Census
Violists, by Richard McGowan (January 22, 1994)
Project Gutenberg: William Gibson Interview
Project Gutenberg: Zen and the Art of the Internet